Monday 22 July 2013

Hillington Park anniversary sparks special memories for couple

Earlier this year we appealed for people to come forward with their stories and memories of Hillington Park as part of the Park’s 75th anniversary.

The Park, which opened in 1938, has been home to thousands of workers in the last seven decades, including Kenny McCallum who came forward to share his story with us.

Kenny began working at the Rolls Royce factory in 1962, as a 16-year-old engineer.

In 1963 while on holiday in Northern Ireland, Kenny met Marilyn and after the pair got talking, he was stunned to discover that Marilyn worked in the same factory. A few years later they were married in Paisley and will soon be celebrating 46 years of marriage.

Kenny said: “Rolls Royce was a huge employer at that time and most of my family worked at the factory at some point in their lives. Everyone would help each other and the company held Christmas parties as well as an annual Gala Day. We were all very proud to be part of Hillington Park especially due to its wartime connections.

“Although Marilyn and I worked in the same factory it employed thousands of people so we didn’t actually know each other until we met on holiday. Hillington Park obviously holds a special place in our hearts even after all these years.”

Marilyn from Paisley added: “It was a great place to work and we always told our sons about our time at Rolls Royce and how we met. Now our three grandchildren want to know all about it.”

To get in touch with your memory, story or photograph contact or call 0141 883 5760.

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