Monday 22 July 2013

Gordon Leslie is riding high with new deal

A Hillington Park freight, distribution and warehousing company has recently secured customs approval for its warehouse which will save new and existing clients hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Gordon Leslie Group’s warehouse was named an A-list bonded site which means it can attract even more international customers, as clients will only pay duty and VAT on goods they store with Gordon Leslie after the products are removed from the bonded warehouse.

This means the company’s warehouse is effectively a duty-free zone and is now qualified to hold items for up to four years.

After securing this approval, Gordon Leslie Group, which has two sites on the Park, won a contract to store 5000 bikes for manufacturer 2x2.

This contract, in partnership with another business on the Park, is a major coup for the company and could have a significant impact on the business’ future growth.

The warehouse approval comes after last year’s successful submission for the external storage of wind turbines making the Gordon Leslie sit at Hillington Park one of the few outside bonded facilities in the country.

Craig Leslie, Managing Director, Gordon Leslie Group said: “Our bonded warehousing facility is important for us and our future. Our location, so close to the airport and motorways, as well as our fleet of trucks, has helped us to cement our position as a leading company in our industry, and this new development will strengthen this.

“We have also installed new racking which has enabled us to make more use of our space and fully utilise our 200,000 square feet of internal and external state of the art storage which is spread across our two sites, and recently we have also began onsite export crating. We believe that our ability to combine storage, crating and export services places us in a unique position above our competitors, as we offer clients the simplicity of one supplier for all requirements.”

Founded in 1970 and now in second-generation family management, the Gordon Leslie Group is a major provider of logistics solutions throughout the UK and the world. For over 40 years, the last seven based at Hillington Park, Gordon Leslie has developed into a leading provider of worldwide freight, UK distribution and warehousing.

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