Tuesday 1 July 2014

Welcome Addition to Hillington Park

An upgrade of Hillington Park’s arrival experience has been undertaken with road improvements, prominent new signage and landscaping now complete.
The entrance to the Park from the M8, which is used by 95,000 vehicles every daynow benefits from a programme of new tree and shrubbery planting, a striking totem ‘welcome’ sign as well as a major upgrade to the main roundabout at Hillington Road.
This programme of public realm improvements is the first of two phases along Hillington Road, the second is planned for completion by the end of 2014.
Jamie Cumming said: “An important part of the ongoing Park improvement programme is the arrival experience so we’re delighted that phase 1 has been completed.  We appreciate that there was some disruption while the important works were being undertaken so our thanks go to everyone for their patience.
“The next phase will be continuing the public realm improvements along Hillington Road, which is the main route through the Park.  We are also in the process of implementing a major signage programme across the whole of the Park which will further help with navigation around the 419 acre site.”

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