Friday 11 February 2011

MEPC reports on a positive 2010

2010 proved to be an encouraging year for MEPC’s leasing results with 213 leasing deals generating £2.2m pa of net additional income, with a strong lettings performance at both Hilllington Park and Milton Park.

Portfolio wide vacancy rates fell below 10% which is a ‘first’ in five years. Customer retention rates at lease breaks/expiries is still amongst the best in the industry at 86%.

MEPC confirmed plans to prepay £102m of the £470m loan securitised via Opera Finance (MEPC) plc in early 2011. Rick de Blaby, Chief Executive comments ‘MEPC is now positioned for a new and exciting phase of activity and performance in 2011 where we will continue to focus on driving revenue and maintaining customer focus to deliver investment performance’.