Monday 12 December 2011

Dr Bike comes to Hillington

As part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful campaign The Glasgow Bike Station visited Hillington and offered, free of charge, a bicycle servicing service to all occupiers who cycle to work.

The Dr.Bike programme is designed to fix most minor problems on site, with more major problems diagnosed and a bike “MOT” provided.

The initiative is designed to encourage employees to think about their commuting habits and offers the opportunity to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reduce their carbon footprint.

It was a most successful event with 12 cyclists participating.

‘I noticed a big improvement in the performance of the brakes and gears on my ride home. I have pledged to cycle to/from work more frequently so here’s hoping for a dry Autumn!
Business Centre Occupier.

Glasgow officses to Let, filled within weeks

In the space of just a few weeks, Hillington Park’s majority landlords MEPC have successfully filled a large amount of office space at the estate which had recently become vacant.

Following the departure of financial outsource administrators Ceridian to Braehead in June this year , MEPC found itself with an additional 22,000 sqft of offices to let on its hands.

Now, a large amount of the former Ceridian space has very quickly been filled following deals with McNicolas Construction, while Amici Procurement will move into part of another pavilion after relocating from Irvine.

McNicholas, who arrived at Hillington just two years ago, will shortly be moving again - this time within the Hillington estate, where it currently occupies mainly industrial premises in Earl Haig Road - to accommodate its expanding Scottish workforce.

The company has agreed a four-year deal with MEPC to take over the whole of No 1 Centura Court, amounting to 10,000 sqft. And McNicholas has already started moving in to its smart and modern new Scottish headquarters, where it expects to double its current workforce of 35 within the next 12 months.

Ken Reavey, the Customer Experience Manager for McNicholas, said: "There’s no doubt that the estate’s infrastructure and facilities - and its proximity to Glasgow Airport - makes it an ideal location to ensure quick access to our customer areas. And Centura Court will project the right image for us when we entertain high-powered executives from our clients."

The property move by McNicholas to higher quality office accommodation effectively doubles the rental value of the company’s presence at Hillington. Grant Edmondson added: "It’s another great example of why so many companies located here seem to enjoy growth and success. We were delighted that McNicholas moved here two years ago and even more pleased that they now want to expand and upgrade with us.

“The key for MEPC is to be able to offer competitive lease packages to attract businesses to Hillington - and, more importantly, to retain them."

Amici Procurement has signed a five-year deal with MEPC that will facilitate their relocation from Irvine to occupy a suite of 2,374 sqft (220 sqm) at a rental value of £10 per sqft. Part of the lease package enables the fitting-out of the space to the company’s specification.

These are two of five office deals recently-completed by MEPC at Hillington Park, and there is said to be plenty of strong interest in the pipeline for other available office properties on the estate.

  • BMI Healthcare has already seen previous expansions of its contact centre operations at Hillington Park, and their business is continuing to expand. So the company is taking on additional space at Cameron Court, which adds a further 3,893 sqft (361.6 sqm) to their premises at a headline rent of £8.50 per sqft on a four-year lease term.
  • Long-established refrigeration and air conditioning engineering company J & E Hall are relocating to Cameron Court from Port Dundas, and will take occupation of Suite 3 (2,536 sqft (235.6 sqm) in January for a period of five years at £8.50 per sqft. Remarkably, these are exactly the same premises which they left ten years ago, after being based at Hillington for a decade.
  • H Robinson is a worldwide logistics company which already had a presence at Hillington Park under the name of Circle Express. Now, under the more familiar worldwide brand name, they are relocating their Scottish office to 69 Queen Elizabeth Avenue, where they have taken on a five-year lease on 1,631 sqft (151 sqm) at a rent of £12.50 per sqft. The premises are the original farmhouse at Hillington, which pre-dates the setting-up of the industrial estate in 1937, but was converted to modern office space in 2000.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Offices To Let / Rent Glasgow

Are you looking for offices to let or rent in the Glasgow area? Are you looking for high quality office space with the flexibility to meet your companies future needs?
If so then here on Hillington Park we're confident we can help you secure the accommodation you need to help you concentrate on growing your business.

Offices To Let / Rent Glasgow

Thursday 11 August 2011

Latest Hillington Herald

The Hillington Herald is Hillington Parks very own quarterly newspaper.Within the Hillington Herald you will find Hillington Park news, community news, news about the Innovation Centre and lots more.

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Business Estate Wins Biodiversity Benchmark

Hillington Park, Scotland's largest business location, has become the first such estate in Britain to be awarded a Biodiversity Benchmark by the Wildlife Trusts. The Benchmark is designed to 'manage, measure and improve environmental performance' in a wide variety of commercially-developed sites.

MEPC, the majority landlord at the historic 75-year-old estate on the Glasgow and Renfrewshire boundary, has in recent years pursued a policy of continuous environmental improvements, which included initiatives that recognised the potential for encouraging local wildlife to thrive at Hillington Park.

Confirming the award, Peter Dorans, Corporate Relations Manager for the Wildlife Trusts, said: "Only a handful of organisations have achieved the standard of site management which meets the requirements of Biodiversity Benchmark.

"The Benchmark is a process which enables any organisation which owns or manages land to assess its impact on the natural world, improve its contribution to the environment and demonstrate its commitment to biodiversity. It is designed to ensure that sites are managed to the highest standard.

"To be the first to achieve it in a sector where there may be more limited opportunities for biodiversity enhancement on such sites further enhances Hillington Park's success. I have informed the chief executive of the Scottish Wildlife Trust of the award."

Dotted around the Hillington Park estate are numerous small ‘green’ sites which have been deliberately used to support various kinds of wildlife activity. Protective nesting boxes for small birds, precious wild orchids conserved, a wetland area allowed to remain, a moth recording project, uncut grassland for over wintering insects and seedpod development for birds are among the initiatives which helped win the award.

MEPC has also enabled local schoolchildren to create a ‘new forest’, with some 30 saplings provided by the Woodland Trust. And, this summer, a new wildflower meadow is being established, to encourage bees and other insects. More such projects are likely to follow.

Grant Edmondson, managing director of MEPC Hillington Park, welcomed the award. "This is a tremendous endorsement of the work which has been led by our customer relations manager Alison Clark.

"I am truly delighted, as no other business park in Britain has previously won such an accolade - although sundry quarries, a nuclear power station, parts of Heathrow Airport and a Center Parcs site have been recognised. It's good to be in their company."

Congratulations have also been received from Chris Palmer, the ecologist who has supported MEPC's efforts at Hillington Park: "This is fantastic! Great news. To be the first site of this kind anywhere in the UK to get the award deserves a genuine reaction of 'Wow'.

"Three of the tit boxes are now occupied by blue tits. And I saw a whitethroat on the south side of Mossland Road - another bird for the Hillington list!"

MEPC have employed local landscape consultant Barrie Scholefield as adviser, while Land Engineering are the landscape gardeners.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Local MSPs in listening mode to support further job creation

Derek Mackay, the new Member of the Scottish Parliament for Renfrewshire North and West and a former Leader of Renfrewshire Council, has pledged “to work hard to protect jobs and businesses so that our area can flourish”.

Mr Mackay is one of the new collection of nationalist MSPs who emerged triumphant from the May elections to give the SNP an outright majority in the Scottish Parliament.

Hillington Park, which straddles the civic boundary between Glasgow and Renfrewshire, is surrounded by several political constituencies and the recent elections accurately reflect the changed political landscape in our area.

But Mr Mackay’s constituency does not cover the eastern part of the estate, which falls within the Glasgow Pollok constituency, which was retained by Labour’s Johann Lamont.

Other MSPs who might be expected to take something more than a passing interest in the success of Scotland’s largest business location include Hugh Henry (Labour, Renfrewshire South), George Adam (SNP, Paisley) and List MSPs Jackson Carlaw (Conservative) and Patrick Harvie (Green Party).

The Hillington Herald decided to put some questions, to both Derek Mackay and Johann Lamont, about the extent of their interest in the fortunes and future of Hillington Park.

Q When did you last visit Hillington Park?
Derek Mackay: My last official visit was as Leader of Renfrewshire Council at the MEPC offices, as part of the work Hillington has led on Fairtrade initiatives.
Johann Lamont: I have visited the Hillington estate regularly over the years in my capacity as local MSP, most often to meet with individual businesses and most recently to order election material!

Q What was your impression of the estate?
Derek Mackay: In my view the estate is generally well maintained, and there is a wide range of premises with functions and activities going on.
Johann Lamont: I am aware of the estate’s importance in creating employment and delivering services.

Q What do you know about the businesses located there?
Derek Mackay: I am fairly familiar with the businesses located at Hillington, having previously been employed by companies in the Park before my election to public office. Clearly, there are a number of prominent and local businesses located there.
Johann Lamont: I have been happy to pursue issues for individual businesses and would be keen to discuss with local businesses what the challenges facing them are and to explore whether there is a role for me in highlighting their concerns.

Q What do you think are the main problems facing Hillington businesses?
Derek Mackay: Challenges ahead include facing the ongoing financial turbulence that the worldwide recession has created, and ensuring that Hillington remains an attractive destination to do business. Transport links are excellent, but car dependency remains an issue.
Johann Lamont: These businesses will have a far clearer perspective on the key issues and how they should be addressed than I. I would be more than happy to be involved in any forum or group which wished to drive these issues forward.

Q What should/will the new Scottish Government be doing to help?
Derek Mackay: The Scottish Government will continue to support business organisations in nurturing a pro-business economy, investing in infrastructure and transport, and deepening and widening skills to take advantage of the opportunities ahead. As an MSP for the area, I would hope to promote Renfrewshire and Hillington, and work hard to protect jobs and businesses so that our area can flourish. This, of course, must be done in partnership with commerce and councils.
Johann Lamont: There is a key role for the Scottish Government in supporting small businesses and in supporting businesses to create and sustain local employment. Again the expertise and understanding of local businesses need to be harnessed in making demands of the Scottish Government. If the businesses on the estate plan to come together to have their voices heard more effectively, I am happy to be involved.

So, for Hillington Park owners and occupiers alike, and for land managers and developers like MEPC, the political doors seem to be at the very least ajar.

It is already clear that it is in the private sector that jobs are being created. The case for practical government support through the remaining months and years of public expenditure cutbacks needs constantly to be made.

Contact your local MSP by e-mail:;

Offices To Rent Glasgow

Are you looking for offices to rent in the Glasgow area? Are you looking for high quality office space with the flexibility to meet your companies future needs?

If so then here on Hillington Park in Glasgow we're confident we can help you secure the accommodation you need to help you concentrate on growing your business.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

MEPC prepays £74.5m of £470m CMBS in second stage of refinancing

Pro-active re-financing reduces gearing and positions MEPC for future activity.

MEPC, the developer and owner of eight Business Estates across the UK, announced today that it will prepay £74.5m of the £470m loan securitised via Opera Finance (MEPC) plc, on the next interest payment date on 20 April 2011, in advance of maturity in July 2012. This follows the first stage prepayment of £102.5m in January 2011. The CMBS, completed in November 2005 and arranged by Eurohypo AG, was secured against four of MEPC’s Business Estates - Milton Park in Oxfordshire, Birchwood Park in Warrington, Chineham Park in Basingstoke and Hillington Park in Glasgow.

This prepayment, which follows the Birchwood refinancing in January, is the second stage of a wider financing strategy to address the early repayment of the securitised loan before its maturity in July 2012.

As a consequence of this prepayment, Hillington Park will be released from the securitisation. MEPC will use a combination of cash from recent disposals and equity, alongside a new five year facility of £53.6m from Eurohypo.

As a result of the prepayment, the CMBS loan outstanding reduces to £293m, secured against Milton Park and Chineham Park and the interest cover on the remaining debt will increase to 230%.

Rick de Blaby, Chief Executive of MEPC, said ‘This early repayment of part of MEPC’s CMBS Notes marks a second stage in our programme to address the refinancing of our portfolio ahead of maturity after the successful repayment of £102.5m in January. The new loan, again with Eurohypo, whose long term relationship we hugely value, reduces gearing and brings in further diversity to our overall debt position. It also underlines MEPC’s prudent debt strategy, the robustness of its income from quality assets and our overall desire to be positioned well for a new phase of activity and performance.’

Michael Acratopulo, Head of Origination at Eurohypo commented, ‘Following on from the success of the Birchwood Park refinancing we are pleased to have once again assisted MEPC in their funding strategy by providing a further facility for Hillington Park. We are delighted to be broadening our relationship with MEPC.’

Caroline Philips, Head of Structured Debt at Eurohypo observed, ‘MEPC’s continued pro-active management of their debt marks another important step in the refinancing of the Opera MEPC CMBS issue.’

More Trees More Good

The Woodlands Trust donated 30 small saplings which have been planted on one of the Estate biodiversity sites by pupils with additional support needs who attend a nearby secondary school.

The afternoon began with a visit to the local Burger King; this was followed by a brief training session provided by the Estates landscape gardeners. Pupils, wielding an assortment of trowels and rakes, planted all the trees in record time, closely watched by their proud teachers. A great afternoon was had by all.

If you would like some more information about this initiative you can visit the Woodland trust website at

Waking up to new opportunities

Archers Sleepcentre have agreed terms with MEPC Hillington Park on a 10 year lease of a prominent location on Hillington Road for a new showroom, along with two other storage units elsewhere on the estate.

The expanding multi-outlet Scottish-based bedroom furnishing company, founded in 2001, was attracted to the opportunity and showroom potential of the premises at 442 Hillington Road, which was previously occupied by Auto Windscreens.

In addition to the 8,500 square feet of showroom space, Archers Sleepcentre are leasing a further 12,700 square feet of storage space at two units in Colquhoun Avenue. The storage units are the subject of three-year lease agreements.

Andrew Kerr, the MEPC Asset Manager at Hillington Park, said: “The premises at 442 Hillington Road were only vacated by the previous occupier on 1 February 2011 and, from the outset, we have worked closely with Archers Sleepcentre to get the property back into good lettable condition and to meet their requirement for entry by mid March. We are delighted to have achieved this and now to have Archers Sleepcentre’s presence at Hillington Park in what is widely recognised as one of Glasgow’s premier business locations.”

Ian Archibald, the Managing Director of Archers Sleepcentre, added: “MEPC have been completely understanding of our requirements, and we are delighted to be able to open our tenth Scottish showroom in such a visible location at Hillington in a very short timescale”

The quick turnaround and flexibility of approach re-emphasises the ability of MEPC’s management at Hillington Park to maintain an exceptionally low rate of void space, even in the prevailing economic environment.

James Barr & Son acted on behalf of the MEPC.

Exova makes an expansive move to Hillington Park

A multi-national Scottish environmental testing, advisory and consultancy company is about to move its entire staff from Clydebank to Hillington Park, demonstrating how a global investment perspective can be the key to continuing growth at a time of economic worries.

Exova Ltd have taken a 10-year lease on a modern unit of 20,818 square feet in Montrose Avenue, completed just three years ago, after Alpha Analytical, the company that originally occupied the premises, ceased trading.

The terms of the deal involve a stepped rental rising to £5.75 per square foot. Exova received significant incentives to reflect their taking on the unit in its existing condition, since they can re-use much of Alpha Analytical’s laboratory, office and storage fit-out.

Exova, which has 110 laboratories in 24 countries, began life 30 years ago at Newbridge, West Lothian, where they still have their office headquarters. But the move to Hillington will make this one of their most important centres of activity.

So delighted are they by the quality of the building and its fittings that they immediately decided to move all 33 of their staff from their current Clydebank premises, and are laying plans for significant expansion over the next few years.

Douglas Weir, the site's general manager, said: "The staff have already visited Hillington and are greatly excited at the prospect of the move, which will take place before the end of March."

"What interested me most was the fact that 40% of the floor space in the building was still void, and would accommodate our expansion ambitions," said Mr Weir. "We plan ultimately to fill the space with additional services, and generate growth for the community. We expect to increase our staff at Hillington by around a third over the next 24 months."

Grant Edmondson, managing director of landlords MEPC Hillington Park, said: "We’re delighted to have attracted a market-leading multi-national company like Exova to Hillington Park.

"We faced a major problem when Alpha Analytical entered liquidation, leaving a large unit with a huge amount of specialist fit-out. But Exova saw the opportunity to expand their operations in the Glasgow area, and we were able to agree a deal which suited both parties."

In 2010, MEPC's operation at Hillington Park managed a remarkably sustained level of business in what has generally been reckoned to be a difficult market. "We concluded 41 new lettings totalling 107,000 sq ft, with a rental value of £639,000," said Mr Edmondson.

"Against that, we had 47 units totalling 126,000 sq ft being vacated through the year as a result of expiries, consolidations and, in particular, insolvencies. So void stock at Hillington has hardly changed, amounting to 5% by area by the year's end."

Friday 11 February 2011

MEPC reports on a positive 2010

2010 proved to be an encouraging year for MEPC’s leasing results with 213 leasing deals generating £2.2m pa of net additional income, with a strong lettings performance at both Hilllington Park and Milton Park.

Portfolio wide vacancy rates fell below 10% which is a ‘first’ in five years. Customer retention rates at lease breaks/expiries is still amongst the best in the industry at 86%.

MEPC confirmed plans to prepay £102m of the £470m loan securitised via Opera Finance (MEPC) plc in early 2011. Rick de Blaby, Chief Executive comments ‘MEPC is now positioned for a new and exciting phase of activity and performance in 2011 where we will continue to focus on driving revenue and maintaining customer focus to deliver investment performance’.