Monday 16 August 2010

Caledonian Land - 20 years on

The twentieth anniversary of the privatisation of the Hillington Industrial Estate on the edge of Glasgow was marked in early August by a gathering of professionals who have been involved in its transformation into 'Hillington Park' over the intervening years.

The Estate was the first government-backed initiative of its kind when it was originally set up by Act of Parliament in 1938. Very quickly, the location was pressed into war service, housing a massive aircraft factory beyond the range of German bombers. In the 70’s and 80’s the estate suffered from a lack of investment and renewal.

Eventually, after coming under the ownership of the Scottish Development Agency, the decision was taken in 1990 to sell the increasingly dilapidated Hillington to the private sector as the 'jewel in the crown' of a portfolio of Scottish industrial estates and Caledonian Land was established. MEPC then acquired Caledonian land in 1996 and Hillington Park remains a core component of its UK portfolio.

Our picture shows three of the key figures in the development of the Hillington estate in the past two decades:

Grant Edmondson (left), managing director of MEPC Hillington Park, the current majority landowners and developers at the estate.

Doug Smith (centre), Chairman CB Richard Ellis Scotland, who led the team of professional advisers to the SDA for the original privatisation initiative, with CB Richard Ellis continuing its role as advisers to MEPC Hillington Park.

Keith Pringle (right), former managing director of Caledonian Land, the company set up after winning the bid contest back in 1990.

These three, and over 70 other past and present employees, agents and consultants who have influenced the development and modernisation of Hillington into Scotland's premier business location, gathered in CB Richard Ellis’ Glasgow offices to celebrate the continued success of the venture.

MEPC iPhone App Now Available

MEPC are delighted to launch their first ever iPhone App today giving customers immediate access to current availability across the eight MEPC Business Estates.

The App can be downloaded from the App store.